Mohs Surgery: A Definitive Guide

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Mohs surgery, a highly effective technique for treating skin cancer. In this in-depth article, we will provide you with a detailed understanding of Mohs surgery, its benefits, the procedure itself, and what to expect during the recovery process. If you or someone you know is facing skin cancer and considering treatment options, read on to discover everything you need to know about Mohs surgery.

Skin cancer causing ectropion and in turn causes watery eye.
The ectropion caused by the skin cancer in turn causes watery eye.

Understanding Mohs Surgery

Mohs surgery, also known as Mohs micrographic surgery, is a specialized surgical technique used to treat various types of skin cancer, particularly those with high-risk features or in areas where tissue preservation is crucial, such as the face. It is named after its inventor, Dr. Frederic Mohs, and is renowned for its high cure rates and tissue-sparing capabilities.

Benefits of Mohs Surgery

1. High Cure Rates

Mohs surgery boasts some of the highest cure rates for skin cancer, often exceeding 99% for certain types of skin cancers. This is due to its meticulous, layer-by-layer removal and examination of cancerous tissue.

2. Tissue Preservation

One of the distinguishing features of Mohs surgery is its ability to minimize the removal of healthy tissue, which is especially important for cosmetically sensitive areas like the face.

3. Precise Margin Assessment

During Mohs surgery, each removed tissue layer is immediately examined under a microscope to ensure complete removal of cancer cells. This real-time assessment allows for the precise removal of cancerous tissue while sparing healthy skin.

Mohs surgery. Skin cancer before surgery and defect left behind after removing the skin cancer via Mohs surgery.
What appears on the surface is unpredictable below the skin.

The Mohs Surgery Process

1. Anaesthesia

Mohs surgery is typically performed on an outpatient basis using local anaesthesia. This means you will remain awake during the procedure, but the treated area will be numbed to ensure your comfort.

2. Tissue Removal and Examination

The surgeon will begin by removing a thin layer of the cancerous tissue. This tissue is divided into sections and meticulously examined under a microscope. If cancer cells are still present in any section, another layer is removed from the corresponding area.

3. Layer-by-Layer Process

This layer-by-layer process continues until no cancer cells are detected. The surgery is complete once the removed tissue no longer contains cancer cells, ensuring the highest level of precision.

Recovery and Aftercare

After Mohs surgery, you can expect some post-operative care:

Wound Care: Your surgical wound will require regular dressing changes and care. Your surgeon will provide detailed instructions on how to keep the wound clean and promote proper healing.

Scarring: While Mohs surgery is known for its tissue-sparing capabilities, some scarring may occur, especially on the face. Your surgeon will discuss scar management options with you.

Follow-up Appointments: It’s crucial to attend all follow-up appointments with your surgeon to monitor your healing progress and address any concerns.

In conclusion, Mohs surgery is a highly effective treatment option for skin cancer, offering exceptional cure rates while preserving healthy tissue. If you or a loved one is diagnosed with skin cancer, consulting with a dermatologic surgeon experienced in Mohs surgery is essential. By choosing Mohs surgery, you are opting for a procedure that prioritizes both your health and cosmetic outcomes.

We hope this comprehensive guide has provided you with valuable insights into Mohs surgery and its benefits. Remember, early detection and prompt treatment are crucial in the battle against skin cancer. If you suspect any skin abnormalities or have been diagnosed with skin cancer, seek professional medical advice and explore your treatment options, including the highly effective Mohs surgery. Your skin’s health is worth it.

For more before and after photos of Mohs surgery visit: